School for Agriculture Presentation

Dean Steven Marks was delighted to present information about a career in veterinary medicine to high school students participating in the 21st annual South Carolina Commissioner’s School for Agriculture.  This program, run by the SC Department of Agriculture and Clemson’s College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS), is open to high school students. Its intent is to help students focus on various careers in agriculture- a leading industry in the state.

According to program director Maddy Powell, this unique summer program explores a variety of opportunities for careers in agriculture and natural resources fields.

“All students have to apply and be accepted to the program,” said Powell. “This year’s class is comprised of 37 students. Throughout the week-long program, students are immersed in workshops and activities. Lessons in leadership and building that important skillset is woven into the summer program as well.”

Last month, students interested in animal science participated in a lesson in livestock management and reproductive anatomy. Dean Marks helped them kick off their program by explaining his background in veterinary medicine and his career in academia.

“I participated in two activities with the SC Commissioner’s School for Agriculture-a brief talk about the world of veterinary medicine and the Farm to Table Dinner to wrap up the program later in the week,” said Marks. “It was energizing to be around young people interested in a variety of important careers in agriculture. I enjoyed telling them more about our progress and vision for Clemson’s CVM. The most important lesson for the students was to work hard and find a career that you can love.”

Clemson’s CVM aims to produce more large animal veterinarians who will serve in rural areas of South Carolina. Across the state and nation, there is a significant shortage of small and large animal veterinarians. Pending accreditation, Clemson will welcome its first class of vet students in Fall of 2026 with the first class of career ready professionals graduating in the Spring of 2030!

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